...花小甜饼(cookie): 樱花费南雪(finacier): 樱花马卡龙: 樱花磅蛋糕(pound cake): 樱花泡芙: 樱花蛋糕卷(roll cake): 樱花挞(tart): 除此之外,甚至还有樱花棉花糖(marshmallow): 樱花奶油: 樱花冰淇淋。。
... 一辆旧汽车 » An old motor vehicle 卷筒蛋糕 » Roll cake 由于天气,我们不得不推迟网球比赛 » Because of the weather, we had to postpone the tennis ...
white roll cake 雪白蛋糕卷
Green Tea roll cake 抹茶蛋糕卷
swiss roll cake 花卷蛋糕 ; 瑞士蛋糕卷
Cream roll cake 奶油蛋糕卷
Durian Roll Cake 榴莲夹心蛋糕
Cranberry Cake Roll 鲜果蔓越莓蛋糕卷
I went to the supermarket, bought a roll of toilet paper, a cake, a large bottle of milk, and two pairs of socks.
Blush to be put in the calla lily flower, close together, like a fan does not open normally, and like a cream cake roll;
Product categories are rich and diverse , from snack cake, cookies, Switz roll and cake to Uni-President moon cake gift pack.